First thing first WARNING : This video may be triggering to some people.
This is my first home made video so dont say any thing mean. If you are seriously thinking about suicide please talk to someone, anyone, please. This song helped me mabey it can help you. If you have no one you feel you can talk to email me at please. I will always write you back.
Wow i put this video up a while ago and in the small time it has been up i cant begin to tell you the amount of caring people have showed up to help. Just the amount of self-injurers who just show so much kindness to me and to others who needhelp. it goes to show that when you need help its the people who you wouldnt expect who do the most good. I am always more than willing to give help the people who need it and i dont think any one could give better help then the people who understand what we go throgh on a regular bases.
There is always help.