Number: 0145
Title: SIVA
Artists: Yuki
Vocals: Fuki
Circle: Unlucky Morpheus
Album: Hypothetical Box ACT 2
Originals: Necrofantasia
As if Necrofantasia itself wasn't great enough in it's raw form! Unlucky Morpheus did it again and hammered one of their arranges into my favourites. As usual, Fuki's astonishing voice fits like a shoe to the heel and Yuki did his very best into making something great even better. But I'm not rating it as to be epic, because even though it's awesome and badass like no other arrange from Unlucky Morpheus, it can't keep up with the likes of "Chronicle of the Wicked Fallen Angel Sariel" or the monster-arrange known as the "Touhou Medley". Anyway, I'm a rather big fan of UM, hopefully you are too, so enjoy it.
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