Clearer music video of Kiss Me
Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me
Kiss me down by the broken tree house
Swing me upon its hanging tire
Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat
We'll take the trail marked on your father's map
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me
洋楽 all time
Mix - Michelle Branch
Mix - Liz Phair - Count on my love (No reservations soundtrack)
洋楽 all time
洋楽 all time
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暇人\(^o^)/速報 : 【動画】夜に聴きたいオシャレな曲くれ - ライブドアブログ
夜に聴きたいオシャレな曲くれ : 妹はVIPPER
夜に聴きたいオシャレな曲くれ : はれぞう
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