
Atmosphere - Active Wind, (175BPM Genre, Drum'n'Bass ^^ Fan Made)

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Want to play it on your own PC?
You can request a song to be sent to you! Email me at beatmanianz@gmail.com and I will send the song to you! :)

Each of the 2500+ videos I am currently in progress
of uploading, will have a outro clip with details to
request the song via E-mail.

Your email address will N E V E R be used for any
direct marketing or advertising or any other typical
scum like practices.

I'm just one Beatmania enthusiast ya know?


I used to be a TOTAL enthusiast between 1999 and 2005.
In 2005 the hard-drive storing all my Beatmania Tracks died :(. 7 years later, I had the funds to get the data professionally recovered at a cost of $700.00 NZD - Some of the tracks are simply A M A Z I N G, so I just had to share ^^'

Thus began this channel and this project :)

Stuff I used:
*BM98 - (An older BMS/Beatmania program BUT! It's simple and clean and maintains a cleaner framerate than other programs I tried (64fps))
*LunaticRave 2 (beta3) -- I felt some songs needed to show the keys being played on Autoplay, which BM98 doesn't do.
*Fraps - Used to determine afformentioned Framerate

*Audacity - Used in channel introduction to mux audio in places and snip audio clips

*Fraps 3 - used to record all videos on Autoplay in a windowed state. This showed to give better visual fidelity.

*Windows Movie Maker - Yes yes, I've heard it all before. IT IS FREE. As are all the other programs I used.
I did some pretty trick editing in Movie Maker tho. Not a bad attempt I felt ^_^


Home » プレイリスト » Youtube » Atmosphere - Active Wind, (175BPM Genre, Drum'n'Bass ^^ Fan Made)