
|Badass| 東方 [Vocal/Power Metal] 5150 - 東方は炎の如く!!

Number: 0269
Title: 東方は炎の如く!!
Vocals: 龍5150, JUN, 湯毛, 飛鳥, 紫, みーや
Artist: 龍5150
Circle: 5150
Album: 東方合体ゲンソウオー弐式
東方萃夢想 | Eastern Memory of Forgathering Dream (Touhou 7.5)
東方緋想天 | Eastern Sky of Scarlet Perception (Touhou 10.5)

Pic: http://oi41.tinypic.com/2n8tquo.jpg
Phew, I finally made it! I uploaded a video! Took me long enough, right? Well, my apologies, but at the moment I'm really really busy with a lot of different things. Yeah, yeah, said that too often to sound honest, but it's true. The job system just fucks me up and I've got some other stuff I'd like to do, as well.
However, don't worry, I promise that I'm going to be more active! (let's see if this is going to happen haha)

As a redemption I chose another EPIC piece of 5150's works. Again it's an album opener and as we all know: 5150's openers just blow your speakers and make you feel completely unworthy while everything you do seems to be like saving the world from an alien invasion, meanwhile the sun could crash into the earth and everything explodes in technical advanced dinosaurs!!! Okay, I have no idea what I just typed. No, I'm not high, but these brilliant works make me feel like it.
What I love the most about these songs is the collection of artists singing together, creating an indescribable atmosphere...but I guess you know what I mean!

Last but not least the picture. I know that it might not be the perfect one for this song since the arrange is made of two staff roll themes. Still almost all of the shown characters are playable (except from Sanae I think) and it looks like a perfect celebration, a happy metal party in the east! Yeah, that's what it's called! ;P

Okay, I created a god damn textwall again. Have fun listening, stay tuned and see you!!

I actually knew that you were to upload this bombastic arrange. 5150 at their best, it's absolutely ASTONISHING. And yeah, them album openers, they're always their respective albums best tracks.


Home » プレイリスト » Youtube » |Badass| 東方 [Vocal/Power Metal] 5150 - 東方は炎の如く!!