from the album Shelter (1997)
You're the future, and you've come for what is yours
The hidden treasure, locked behind the hidden doors
And the promise of a day that's shining new
Only a dreamer, could afford this point of view
You're a driver, not a passenger in life
If you're ready, you won't have to try 'cause
You are the Universe
And there ain't nothing you can't do
If you conceive it, you can achieve it
That's why I believe in you yes I do
You're a winner, so do what you came here for
The secret weapon, isn't secret anymore
You're a driver, not a passenger in life
And when you're ready, you won't have to try 'cause
You are the Universe
And there ain't nothing you can't do
If you conceive it, you can achieve it
That's why I believe in you yes I do
You are the Universe
And there ain't nothin' you can't be
If you conceive it, you can achieve it
That's why, I believe in you, and I believe in me
Yes I do
Believe in you
I do
You're a driver, not a passenger in life
And when you're ready, you won't have to try 'cause
You are the Universe
All lyrics and music are the intellectual property of those listed. If you enjoy the music, please honor the rights of the owners to receive compensation for their gifts and effort - purchase their work.
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