
Sia Furler - Madlove (Lyrics)

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Sia Furler - Madlove | (Onlysee - 1997)

AllAboutSIA II

G-MAIL: allsiassongs@gmail.com
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Your insensitivity is your personality
Trait least favourite
Ha, ha! Funny
You think you're so funny

But you hurt my feelings
We've had some good dealings
What have I done recently
To make you so mean to me?

I'm oversensitive you say
But I think you were nasty today
You make me feel nasty
Like a control freak

I just want to feel helpful
Like I'm needed, a sense of reason
You tell your friends I'm a fucking kook
Look how long it took

I've been like this all the time
You don't know what it's like to be me
You're not paranoid, neurotic
You're free

I don't like me much anymore
You make me feel a burden
You make me feel like a bore


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