
★ Nightcore Rock Mix#1 - 2 Hour Compilation! 2014 ☆

Best Nightcore Rock 2 Hours! Compilation 2014 Playlist ordered [Stutter free between songs] Enjoy :3 Like and Share pls =''D


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyvmyNHUD_0 [Techno nightcore video in [all instrumental] tracks!]


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Tracklist :
Thousand Foot Krutch - I Climb 0:00 - 2:45
Across The Line 2:45 - 5:16
Anthem Of The Lonely 5:16 - 8:45
Make A Move 8:45 - 11:13
Monster 11:13 - 13:33
The Animal I Have Become 13:33 - 16:51
Pride 16:51 - 19:10
Time Of Dying 19:10 - 21:31
Welcome To The Masquerade 21:34 - 24:27
Fuck Away The Pain 24:29 - 27:25
Hero 27:25 - 29:58
Tears Don't Fall 29:58 - 35:11
Celldweller - Pulsar 35:11 - 36:47
Black Veil Brides - Ser The World On Fire 36:47 - 39:42
Youre going down 39:42 - 42:11
Slipknot - Dead Memories 42:11 - 44:43
Thousand Foot Krutch - I Climb (double because i like this song ^^) 44:43 - 47:29
Linkin Park - Lost In The Echo 47:29 - 50:13
Three Days Grace - Time Of Dying 50:13 - 52:41
Hollywood Undead - We Are 52:41 - 56:16
Limp Bizkit - My Way 56:16 - 59:55
Dans with the devil 59:55 - 1:02:49
Celldweller - The Sentine 1:02:49 - 1:05:24
Stones - We Are One 1:05:24

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